Concordat online consultation
CRAC and its key non-profit programme, Vitae, are delighted that the Concordat Strategy Group (CSG) has launched a consultation to inform a revision of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.
The report from the Independent Review Panel, published in September, made a strong case for how the Concordat can make a real difference in improving the environment and career development for researchers. It was felt however, that revisions are needed, to reflect how the research environment has changed over the last 10 years, and to ensure the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers remains fit for the future.
This is an important opportunity to develop the pipeline of talent to ensure the UK maintains its leading position in research and innovation. We strongly encourage you to respond to the CSG consultation and share within your institution and through your networks. Submissions are welcome from organisations and individuals, including all staff engaged in research, as well as those managing or supporting research and researchers.
Complete the survey (deadline: 17.30 UK time on Monday 7 January 2019).
Read the supporting documents:
Independent Review of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
Executive Summary extracted from Concordat Independent Review Report (PDF)
Concordat Strategy Group Response to the Independent Review
Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (2008 version)
Background to the Concordat on the Vitae website
Download a copy of the consultation survey questions (Word document - updated 6 November 2018)
Consultation survey privacy notice (PDF)
To further inform the online consultation, the following events will be held throughout the UK in December