About CRAC consultancy

CRAC provides consultancy services to establishments and organisations in the worlds of education and employment which seek specialist help in developing career support strategies and evaluation, careers information and career-related campaigns and messaging.

We are able to leverage our extensive research expertise as well as our on-the-ground knowledge gained from our activities and engagement with careers practitioners as well as those working in schools, colleges, universities, employers and employment and professional associations.


Innovation is integral to CRAC's work

Since 1964, CRAC has been a thought leader in how to deliver and implement career support of varying kinds. Many of the interventions and programmes now embedded in careers and other support services were devised and pioneered by CRAC. Recent examples of our innovation work have included:

  • creating an inspirational careers resource for young people - icould is an archive of 1000 personal career stories on film specifically developed to be accessible to teenagers, available through the web and social media
  • a gamified approach to developing careers thinking - CRAC and Playgen together devised Me Tycoon, an online game for children
  • devising and writing the content for ‘Steps to postgraduate study’, a national website dedicated to supporting adults considering postgraduate courses (for HEFCE, now the Office for Students)
  • designing career-focused enrichment activities for use with school-age children, many promoting the benefits of studying STEM subjects, like the award-winning Ashfield Project for the Institute of Physics (which promotes the value of studying A-level physics, through a simulation of a music festival)
  • other consultancy services have included evaluative and usability studies of careers materials and websites, programmes and recruitment processes.


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+44 (0)1223 448500 (voicemail)

Companies House Number: 825036

VAT Registration number: GB 100 205 694