Board of trustees
Professor David Bogle
Board member
Professor David Bogle is Pro-Vice-Provost of the University College London (UCL) Doctoral School and Early Career Research Staff - the role is to lead the strategy for early career researcher development (doctoral and postdoctoral) at UCL. UCL has over 9,000 research students and 3500 postdoctoral researchers. He is chair of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) Doctoral Studies Policy Group and member of several advisory boards for early career researcher development across Europe. He chaired a review of the UK’s Concordat for the Career Development of Research Staff in 2018. He is a trustee of CRAC.
As Professor of Chemical Engineering at University College London (UCL) he has research interests in Process Systems Engineering and Systems Biology. He was Scientific Vice President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers from 2018 to 2021, President of the Institution of Chemical Engineers 2022-2023 and is now Immediate Past President and trustee. He is Fellow of Institution of Chemical Engineers and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2005.