
Trustee Candidate Brief 

January 2024 

CRAC and its Board are looking for at least two new Trustees to be appointed through an open recruitment process to join the Board from June 2024, with a period of transition and handover starting in March. 

Diverse viewpoints are vital to a healthy and inclusive culture and we welcome applicants from all roles and backgrounds who have the commitment and enthusiasm and/or experience to guide, govern and support the organisation. As a result of a recent skills and experience Board audit, we are particularly seeking applications from those with organisational leadership experience and/or financial and commercial acumen and experience  

Training in some aspects of governance of a charity will be available 



CRAC (the Careers Research & Advisory Centre) was established in 1964 as a registered charity (No. 313164) with the remit to support the career-related learning of people of all ages. 

CRAC provides research, intelligence and innovation services for all those who support the career development of people of all ages and in all sectors 

We passionately believe that individuals have the ability to achieve their career goals if they are equipped with the skills and information to do so. We achieve our aims by working in partnership with government agencies, education organisations and providers and employers and professional bodies globally, ensuring that the work we do impacts positively on as many individuals as possible, to achieve CRAC's vision of a world where people can realise their career potential throughout their working lives. 

Vitae is the global leader in supporting the career and professional development of researchers. Through the Vitae membership programme, our policy and advocacy activities, learning and development services, and research and evaluation expertise, we work with the higher education sector and wider community to create a better future for researchers. By working together and collaborating, we share and develop understanding, to catalyse transformational change in research culture. 

About our Trustees and Chief Executive 

The Board currently consists of a Chair and four other Trustees. To see biographies of the existing Trustees and CRAC’s senior staff members please go to  


Trustee Role Description 

Main Responsibilities of the role  

  • To ensure that CRAC complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations  
  • To provide leadership to ensure that CRAC pursues its objectives as defined in its governing document 
  • To ensure CRAC applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objectives 
  • To determine the overall direction and development of the charity through clear strategic planning 
  • To promote and safeguard the reputation, mission and best interests of CRAC 
  • To ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the organisation 
  • To avoid any personal conflict of interest 
  • To act at all times with objectivity and impartiality 


Main Duties  

  • To actively participate in the workings of the Board and by attending quarterly meetings of the Board of Trustees 
  • To agree the organisations business plan and budget, and oversee the delivery of agreed strategy  
  • To support actively CRAC’s Senior Management Team by developing a clear strategic direction for the organisation, defining goals, setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets 
  • To contribute expertise and guidance to promote and develop the organisation in order for it to grow and maintain its relevance and impact, diversifying and embedding inclusion in everything we do 
  • To monitor the financial management of the organisation’s resources, ensuring expenditure is in line with the organisations charitable objectives, and that investment activities meet accepted standards and policies 
  • To support Trustees and Senior Management Team to ensure the effective and efficient administration of the charity and its resources 
  • To act as a ‘critical friend’ to the organisation and its Senior Management Team members  
  • To act as a counter-signatory on any applications for funds, if appropriate 
  • To maintain absolute confidentiality about all sensitive/confidential information received in the course of a Trustee’s responsibilities to the charity 


Knowledge and Experience sought of new Trustees 

  • Experience and/or expertise in an organisational leadership role  


  • Financial and commercial acumen experience and comfort ideally gained within a small/mid-sized not for profit organization 
  • Successful experience of operating within a board in a charitable, public sector or commercial organisation 
  • Experience or understanding of training and career and/or professional development activity 
  • Demonstrable experience of building and sustaining relationships with key stakeholders and colleagues to achieve organisational objectives  
  • Some understanding of governance bodies (such as a committee or board) including the roles of chair, Trustees and senior executives) 
  • Some understanding and/or interest in the legal responsibilities of being a Trustee of a charity 


Skills and personal attributes sought

  • Commitment to the organisation including devotion of the necessary personal time and effort   
  • Preparedness to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, and a willingness to speak openly and frankly  
  • Willingness to be available to staff to give advice and answer their enquiries reasonably quickly if they arise  
  • Independent judgement and strategic vision 
  • The ability to work effectively as a member of a team of Trustees 
  • Sound, reasoned judgement and effective decision-making 
  • Impartiality, fairness and sensitivity 
  • Modelling and promoting equality, diversity and inclusion 


Time commitment, terms and remuneration 

The Board meets at least three times a year (usually London or Cambridge or online) and Trustees are expected also to attend occasional external events where appropriate. Where physical attendance may be difficult, the organisation is committed to making alternative arrangements to participate in meetings remotely where appropriate and reasonable adjustments can be made. Meetings usually take place during weekday afternoons.  

Members will serve a three-year term and will be eligible for re-appointment for one additional term. The roles are unremunerated although reasonable expenses are paid. 


Application Process 

To apply for this post, you will need to submit the following by email to by Noon on Thursday 15th February 2024: 

  • A CV setting out your career history, with key responsibilities and achievements 
  • A covering letter (no more than two pages of A4) explaining why you would wish to become a Trustee of CRAC and how you consider your personal skills, qualities and experience would help CRAC in such a role, making particular reference to the information given in the Trustee Role Description 

Any postal applications should be sent to Hayley Evans, CRAC, 22 Signet Court, Swanns Road, Cambridge, CB5 8LA. Please quote reference Trustee24 in your correspondence. 


Indicative Timeline 

If you are unable to meet these timeframes, please let us know in your application letter. The anticipated timetable is as follows: 


Closing Date: Thursday 15th February 2024 Noon 

Interviews: Week Monday 26th and Thursday 29th February 2024 

Interview Location: London